Zheleznova Nina

Address and office phone:
222215, Minsk Province, Smolevichi district, ag. Sloboda,
Central str, 7
(+375 1776) 4-46-17

Born January 18, 1961 in the village of Slavkov Nesvizh district, Minsk Province.

Graduated from the Belarusian Order of the October Revolution and the Order of Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy.

Mrs Nina Zheleznova began her career working experimental base «Ganusovo» Nesvizh district, Minsk Province. Worked as an agronomist-seed potato experimental base «New Zelenka», hydraulic engineer, safety engineer and the chairman of the trade union organization of the collective farm named after Kalinin Cherven district, manager training farms and trainers Smilovichskaya vocational school № 208, the chief agronomist of the agricultural production cooperative «Polesie» chairman of the agricultural cooperative «Polissya-Agro» Luban district, health center director «Pine» private unitary enterprise «Ozeritskiy-Agro» Smolevichi district.

Director of the Agricultural Unitary Enterprise «Ozeritskiy-Agro» Smolevichi district.

Was awarded a Medal of Honor, a medal «For Labor Merit».

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