Yadrentcev Oleg

Address and office phone:
246004, Gomel,
N.Dvornikova str, 80
(+375 232) 63-36-99

Born May 31, 1963 in the village of Polesye of Chechersk district of Gomel Province.

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical University, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Oleg Yadrentcev worked as a master training of the military department of the Minsk State Medical Institute, doctor-intern-dentist-surgeon Gomel Provinceal dental clinic. He was deputy chief doctor at polyclinic work Buda-Koshelevo central hospital, the deputy chief physician at the medical care of the district, the chief doctor of Buda-Koshelevo territorial medical association.

Chief doctor of public health services «Gomel City Clinical Hospital № 1».

Chairperson of the Gomel Province Council of Deputies of the 27th convocation.

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