Sukonko Oleg

Address and office phone:
223040, Minsk Province, ag. Lesnoi,
Sovetskaia str, 52
(+375 17) 389-95-05

Born July 16, 1951 in the village of Hvoshno Gorodok district, Vitebsk Province.

Graduated from the Vitebsk State Medical Institute.

Honoured Doctor of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Oleg Sukonko served in the Armed Forces. Worked as an intern doctor in surgery Orsha city hospital Semashko Vitebsk Province, doctor-professor of surgical diseases of Orsha Medical School, urologist medical unit Orsha Linen Mill, a medical oncologist, a junior researcher at the Department of surgical and combined treatments, a junior researcher hyperthermia laboratory and complex therapy, researcher, senior researcher at the department of abdominal surgery and Urology, senior researcher radiomodification Research Institute of Oncology and medical Radiology, the Republic of Belarus Ministry of health, head cancer (urology) department of Research Institute of Oncology and medical Radiology named N.N.Aleksandrova, head of the department of pathology oncourological Republican scientific-practical center of Oncology and medical Radiology named N.N.Aleksandrova.

Director of the State Institution «Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology named N.N.Aleksandrova».

Аwarded a medal «For Labor Merit».

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