Starovoitova Irina

Address and office phone:
220016, Minsk,
Krasnoarmeiskaia str, 9
(+375 17) 327-26-71

Born July 19, 1974 in Slavgorod, Mogilev Province.

Graduated from Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute named after A.Kuleshov, postgraduate study in the State Educational Institution “Academy of Postgraduate Education”.

Worked as a teacher of biology in the grammar school No 31 of Minsk, lecturer of environmental studies in Mogilev Pedagogical College, holder of Chair of the Pre-primary and Primary Education of the Institute for Retraining and Professional Advancement of Administrators and Educational Workers (Mogilev), lead lecturer of Chair of Pedagogy and Primary Education of Mogilev State University named after A.Kuleshov, holder of Chair of the Pre-primary and Primary Education of Institute for Educational Development (Mogilev), rector of Mogilev Provincial State Institute for Educational Development.

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