Sitko Mikhail

Address and office phone:
231900, Volkovysk,
Dzerzhinsky str, 3
(+375 1512) 4-13-55

Born May 17, 1961 in the village of Olekshitsy Berestovitsa district Grodno Province.

Graduated from the Grodno Agricultural Institute, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Mikhail Sitko served in the Soviet Army. Began his career as an agronomist-agrochemist farm «Orevichi» Khoiniki district. Worked as head of section, deputy chairman, chairman of the collective farm named Lenin Berestovitsa district, chairman of the Agricultural Production Cooperative «Olekshitsy» Berestovitsa district, chairman of the executive committee Berestovitsa Grodno Province.

Chairman of the Volkovysk District Executive Committee.

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