Sirenko Viktor

Address and office phone:
220030, Minsk,
Engels str, 4
(+375 17) 500-41-21

Born March 4, 1962 in the Borisov, Minsk Province.

Graduated from the Minsk Red Banner of Labor State Medical Institute, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Viktor Sirenko worked smith second discharge assembly department № 3 Borisov plant «Avtogydrousilitel», the doctor-intern in surgery, clinic urologist, urologist Department of Urology Hospital, Acting Head of the Urology Department, head of the urology department of Borisov City Hospital, head physician of the Minsk Red Banner of Labor Regional Hospital, the head physician of Minsk City ambulance station, the head physician of Minsk City Clinical Hospital emergency health services medical aid, chairman of the health Committee of the Minsk city Executive Committee, the head of health department of the Minsk Oblast Executive Committee.

Deputy Chairman of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.

Аwarded a medal «For Labor Merit».

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