Shishko Aleksandr

Address and office phone:
231753, Grodno Province, ag. Ozery,
Kirova str, 78
(+375 152) 93-16-00

Born September 24, 1959 in the village of Ozery Grodno Province.

Graduated from the educational establishment «Grodno Agricultural Institute».

Mr Aleksandr Shishko began his career main livestock specialist farm Kirov Molodechno district. Worked as a secretary of the Komsomol organization, the head of dairy complex farm «Path to Communism» Grodno Province, the main livestock specialist, deputy chairman of the collective farm livestock, processing and sale of products of the collective farm «Ozery» Grodno Province.

Chairman of the Agricultural Production Cooperative «Ozery» Grodno Province.

Аwarded a medal «For Labor Merit».

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