Shevchuk Nikolay

Address and office phone:
211400, Vitebsk Province, Polotsk,
Tolstogo str, 6
(+375 214) 42-35-22,
(+375 214) 42-60-02

Born August 24, 1959 in the city Drohiczyn of Brest Province.

Graduated from the Belarusian Order of the October Revolution and the Order of Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy, Polotsk State University, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Nikolay Shevchuk worked as the head of the machine yard, the chief engineer, director of the farm «Banon» Polotsk, Vitebsk Province, the first deputy chairman, the chief of Department of Agriculture and Food of the Polotsk Regional executive committee.

Chairman of the Polotsk Regional executive committee.

Has the Letter of Official Thanks of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Аwarded a medal «For Labor Merit».

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