Shershen Petr

Address and office phone:
210029, Vitebsk,
Pravdy Str., 36
(+375 212) 49-36-10

Born July 15, 1949 in Novosady Village, Shchuchin district, Grodno Province.

Graduated from the Order of October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (Scientist-Agronomist), Minsk Higher Party School (Political Scientist).

Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Petr Shershen began his career as a mechanic Zheludokskogo remzavoda. Was the chief agronomist of «Salute» collective farm, a chairman "Proshektor" collective farm Lepel district, Vitebsk Province. Served in the Armed Forces. Worked as chairman of the "Proshektor" collective farm, the head of the agriculture department, the deputy chairman of the Lepel District Executive Committee, chairman of the Haradok district executive committee, first secretary of the Braslav district committee of the Communist party of Belarus, the head of the Department of fuel, the head of the production department for the fuel of the Vitebsk Province Executive Committee, Director General of the Vitebsk Province enterprises Fuel "Vitebsktoplivo" Director General of the Vitebsk oblast enterprises gas facilities "Vitebskoblgas".

Member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the 3rd and 5th convocations.

Elected deputy of the Provinceal council of deputies, the Vitebsk Province Council of Deputies.

Director General, Industrial Republican Unitary Enterprise “VitebskOblGaz” (Province gas supplier).

Awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen Chashniki district, Vitebsk Province ", "Honorary Citizen of the Braslav district, Vitebsk Province," "Man of the Year of Vitebsk - 2010".

Awarded the medal "For labor merits", five commemorative medals, the medal "For cooperation" (Union State), Diploma of the National Assembly of Belarus, Certificates of Merit of the Council of Ministers of Belarus, Certificates of Merit of the Administration of the President of Belarus.

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