Shchastny Anatoly

Address and office phone:
210023, Vitebsk,
Frunze av., 27
(+375 212) 60-13-95

Born March 1, 1961 in Kletsk, Minsk Province.

Graduated from the Vitebsk State Medical Institute.

Doctor of medical Sciences, associate Professor.

Mr Anatoly SHCHASTNY worked as a doctor-intern of Vitebsk Provinceal clinical hospital, surgeon Orsha central district hospital, clinical intern of the Department of General Surgery of Vitebsk State Medical Institute, assistant Department of Surgery, Associate Professor of Surgery, Faculty of advanced training and retraining of Vitebsk Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University, chief surgeon health management Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, Associate professor of surgery, Faculty of advanced training and retraining of Vitebsk Order of peoples 'Friendship medical University, professor of surgery, Faculty of advanced training and retraining of the educational establishment «Vitebsk state Order of peoples' Friendship medical University».

Rector of the educational establishment «Vitebsk State Order of Peoples' Friendship Medical University».

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