Rummo Oleg

Address and office phone:
220045, Minsk,
Semashko str, 8
(+375 17) 272-69-92

Born July 26, 1970 in the town of Slutsk, Minsk Province.

Graduated from the Minsk State Medical Institute, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Doctor of medical Sciences, professor. Honoured Doctor of the Republic of Belarus. Author of several inventions, has more than 200 publications in national and international publications.

Mr Oleg Rummo began his career as a medical assistant health center Minsk city clinic № 21. Worked as a clinical intern in the specialty «Surgery» 2nd chair of surgical diseases of the Minsk State Medical Institute, a surgeon of the 1st surgical department of the 9th City Clinical Hospital of Minsk, senior researcher, head of laboratory of hemodynamics and lymphosorption Central Scientific research laboratory of Belarusian state medical University, assistant of the 2nd chair of surgical diseases of the Belarusian state medical University.

Head of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of transplantation of organs and tissues, the deputy chief of Surgery 9th City Clinical Hospital (Minsk).

Was awarded the Medal of Honor.

Was awarded the honorary title Citizen of Minsk year.

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