Romanovsky Vasily

Address and office phone:
225320, Brest Province, Baranovichi,
Gorkogo str, 58
(+375 163) 45-22-53

Born February 6, 1961 in the city of Baranavichy, Brest Province.

Graduated from Grodno State Medical University, Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Mr Vasily Romanovsky worked as a doctor-intern, physician-physician cardiology department of the Baranavichy city hospital, the head of the rheumatology department, the head of the first therapeutic department of Baranavichy City Territorial Medical Association number 1, the head of the rheumatology department, head of the nephrology department of the Baranovichi Municipal Hospital, the head of Baranovichi city blood transfusion station, the head physician of the Baranovichi municipal Hospital.

The head physician of the Baranovichi central polyclinic.

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