Putilo Konstantin

Address and office phone:
212030, Mogilev,
Bonch-Bruevich str, 3
(+375 222) 29-33-59

Born October 12, 1961 in the village Borisovka Mstislav district, Mogilev Province.

Graduated from the Belarusian Polytechnical Institute; Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Konstantin Putilo began his career as a the master of the railway supply station Maloshuika Arkhangelsk branch of the Northern Railway Arkhangelsk Province. Served in the Soviet Army. Worked as a master of labor production and technical department of the Orsha cogeneration plant Vitebsk Production Association of Energy and Electrification «Vitebskenergo», Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of a railway junction Orsha town Committee of the Leninist Communist youth Union of Belarus, chief mechanic carload depot Orsha Belarusian Railways, engineer of production and technical department of the Orsha cogeneration plant Vitebsk production association of energy and electrification «Vitebskenergo», deputy head, chief engineer, director of the Orsha cogeneration plant Vitebsk republican unitary enterprise of electric power industry «Vitebskenergo», Deputy Director General for general affairs of the republican unitary Enterprise «Mogilevenergo».

Director General of the Republican Unitary Enterprise «Mogilevenergo».

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