Popkov Aleksandr

Address and office phone:
220016, Minsk,
Krasnoarmeiskaia str, 9
(+375 17) 327-36-73

Born January 2, 1948 in the village of Schekotovo, Dribin District, Mogilev Province.

Graduated from the Zhilichy Agricultural Technical School, Belarusian Agricultural Academy; Higher Party School of Minsk.

The honored worker of agriculture of the Republic of Belarus.

Worked as a chief agronomist of the collective farm “Iskra” in Krugliany District, Mogilev Province. Served in Soviet army. Worked a chief agronomist, chairman of the collective farm named after Andreev in Shklov District, Mogilev Province, first Deputy Chairman of Shklov District Executive Committee — chief of the agriculture department, Chairman of Shklov District Executive Committee of the District Council of the People’s Delegates, first secretary of the district committee of the Communist Party, director general of the agro-trading enterprise “Shklovsky”, Chairman of the Krugliany District Executive Committee. Worked as a Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, rector of the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration.

Was elected the Deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the fourth and fifth convocation.

Awarded of the Medal of Honor; medal “For Labour Valour”.

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