Pantyukhov Vladimir

Address and office phone:
220016, Minsk,
Krasnoarmeiskaia str, 9
(+375 17) 327-27-09

Born March 21, 1952 in Shchigry Settlement, Kursk Province (Russian Federation).

Graduated from Mogilev Mechanical Engineering Institute (Mechanic-Engineer); Academy of Public Administration under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (Manager-Economist).

Mr Vladimir Pantyukhov started his professional career as an engineer at Mogilev Enterprise of Devices for Preparing Initial Data, was elected the Secretary of the Committee of Leninist Young Communist League of Byelorussia of the Enterprise. He worked as an Instructor of Mogilev Province Trade Union Council, Instructor of the Industry and Transport Sector, Head of the Organization Sector of Mogilev Central Provinceal Committee of the Belarus Communist Party, Head of the Organization Sector of Mogilev Town Committee of the Belarus Communist Party, the Second, the First Secretary of Mogilev Central Provinceal Committee of the Belarus Communist Party, Deputy Chairman — Head of the Sector of the Committee for work with the Councils, socio-political organizations and movements of Mogilev Province Committee of the Belarus Communist Party, Deputy Chairman for Foreign Economic Relations of Cooperative Society “Metallist”, Director of Production and Trade Enterprise “Poly-Gran” (Mogilev), Chairperson of Mogilev Province Territorial Committee of Entrepreneurship and Investment of the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Investment of the Republic of Belarus, Administrative Director of Mogilev Province Executive Committee, Chairman of the Mogilev Provinceal Council of Delegates.

Was elected the member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the 5th convocation.

Mr Vladimir Pantyukhov was elected Deputy, Chairman of Mogilev Central Provinceal Council of Deputies, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Industry, Trade and Municipal-Domestic Service of Mogilev Town Council of Deputies.

Has the Letter of Official Thanks of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Awarded 11 Jubilee Medals, eight Commemorative Signs and Honourary Plaques, a Certificate of Honour of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, a Certificate of Honour of the Province Council of Deputies, three Certificates of Honour of Mogilev Province Executive Committee, a Certificate of Honour of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the 2nd Class Order of the Peter the Great of the All-Russia public organization “Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems”, the Order “Sodruzhestvo” (Commonwealth) of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Was granted the title “Honored citizen of the Chausy District”.

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