Orda Mikhail

Address and office phone:
220126, Minsk,
Pobediteley av., 21
(+375 17) 203-88-13

Born September 28, 1966 in the urban village Dyatlovo Grodno Province.

Graduated from the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Mr Mikhail Orda began his career as a mechanic «Russia» collective farm Dyatlovo district. Worked as deputy director of the Provinceal service of youth voluntary work (Vitebsk), president of the Republican Association of International Youth Exchanges and Tourism, the second secretary of the Central Committee of the public organization «Belarusian Patriotic Youth Union». From 2012 to 2014 — Head of the Standing Committee of the Union State in Minsk.

Was elected a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic Belarus of the second and fourth convocations.

Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions.

Has the Letter of Official Thanks of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Awarded the Order of Honour.

All senators