Moroz Yury


Born 5 May 1950 in Zamuzhanye Village, Borisov Region, Minsk Province.

Graduated from Byelorussian Institute of Agriculture Mechanization (Mechanic-Engineer).

Candidate of Economics. Author of 20 scientific works, one invention.

Merited worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus.

Director General, Open Joint-Stock Company “Belovezhsky”, Kamenets Region.

Member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the 4th convocation.

Deputy of Brest Province Council of Deputies, Kamenets Region Council of Deputies, Belovezhsky Council of Deputies of the basic level, Member of the Presidium of Kamenets Region Council of Deputies.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, the 3rd Class Order of the Motherland, a Bronze Medal of the USSR Exhibition of National Economy Achievements “For Achievements in the Development of the USSR National Economy”, the Jubilee Medals “65 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 — 1945”, “65 Years of Liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi Invaders”, “100 Years of the Trade Union Movement of Belarus”, a Certificate and a Certificate of Honour of the Supreme Council of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, a Certificate of Honour of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, a Certificate of Honour of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, the Certificates of Honour of the Agricultural and Foodstuff Committee of Brest Province Executive Committee, the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, a Diploma of Brest Province Executive Committee “Person of the Year in Agricultural and Industrial Complex — 2009”.

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