Melnikova Galina

Address and office phone:
247210, Gomel Province, Zhlobin,
Pervomayskaia str, 16
(+375 2334) 7-80-83

Born on August 13, 1963 in the village of Erd Zhlobin district, Gomel Province.

Graduated from the Mogilev College Library, the Belarusian University of Culture, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mrs Galina Melnikova worked as an operator computationally-key machines Zhlobin Information and Computing Center, the librarian of the branch Zhlobin centralized library system, head of committee accounting sector Komsomol Zhlobin railway junction, librarian City Children's Library — a branch of the Zhlobin district centralized library system, librarian of secondary school number 11 Zhlobin City Department of Education, the head of the library marketing department Zhlobin district centralized library system, head of the department of information and the public Relations Zhlobin Executive Committee, head of the information department, head of the department of ideological work of the Zhlobin district executive committee.

Chief editor of the Zhlobin editors of the newspaper «Novy Dzen».

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