Markevich Vasily

Address and office phone:
225316, Brest Province, Baranavichy district,
administrative building 1.5 km West of ag. Zhemchuzhni
(+375 163) 43-09-33,
(+375 163) 43-15-32

Born April 12, 1958 in the village of Rudavka Slonim district, Grodno Province.

Graduated from the Grodno Agricultural Institute.

Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Vasily Markevich served in the Soviet Army. Worked as a forwarding agent, foreman, chief of broiler department, head department and breeder replacement chickens, acting the main livestock — Deputy Director of the broiler farm «Druzhba» Baranovichi District, deputy director — chief livestock expert, acting Director, Director, Director General of the Republican Unitary Production of agricultural enterprise poultry farm «Drusnba».

Director General of the Open Joint Stock Company poultry farm «Drusnba».

Аwarded a medal «For Labor Merit».

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