Marchenko Aleksandr

Address and office phone:
222120, Borisov,
Daumana str, 95
(+375 177) 70-90-69

Born September 18, 1978 in the town of Zhlobin, Gomel Province.

Graduated from the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Mr Aleksandr Marchenko worked as engineer, a leading engineer, chief power engineer, deputy chief engineer of the production, the Deputy Director General for the quality of Open Joint Stock Company «Borisov Works of Automobile and Tractor Electrical», the director of management of the current activities of the site of Joint Stock Company «Borisov Works of Automobile and Tractor Electrical» — managing company «Automotive components», the director of open Joint Stock company «Belcard» (Grodno).

Director of Industrial and Technological Policy and Development Joint Stock Company «Borisov Works of Automobile and Tractor Electrical» — managing company»"Automotive components».

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