Dvorak Grigory

Address and office phone:
246022, Gomel,
Vetkovskaia str, 5
(+375 232) 95-33-00

Born August 4, 1957 in Berezovka Village, Mozyr District, Gomel Province.

Graduated from the Belarussian Institute of Railway Transportation Engineers.

Served in Soviet army. Worked as a track serviceman of Kalinkovichi permanent way of the Belarussian Railway, operator on duty of the park and tower, freight yard chief of the Kalinkovichi railway station, deputy chief of the Kalinkovichi railway station of the Belarussian Railway, chief of the Kalinkovichi railway station of the republican unitary enterprise of the division under the State Association “Gomel Division of the Belarusian Railway”, chief of the freight forwarding republican subsidiary undertaking unitary enterprise “Gomelzheldortrans”, first deputy chief of the forwarding republican unitary enterprise “Gomel Division of the Belarusian Railway”.

Chief of the forwarding republican unitary enterprise “Gomel Division of the Belarusian Railway”.

Awarded a Medal “For Labour Merit”.

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