Dulova Yekaterina

Address and office phone:
220030, Minsk,
Internationalnaia str, 30
(+375 17) 327-49-42

Born in Minsk June 20, 1962.

Graduated from the Leningrad Order of Lenin State Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov, graduate of the Leningrad Order of Lenin State Conservatory.

Mrs Ekaterina Dulova worked as a teacher, senior teacher of the theory of the Belarusian State Conservatory of Music, an assistant professor of music theory, a senior fellow at the Belarusian State Academy of Music, associate professor, professor, head of the department of music theory, pro-rector for scientific work of the Belarusian State Academy music.

Rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Music.

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