Drozdov Anatoly

Address and office phone:
213177, Mogilev Province, Belynichi district, ag. Techtin
(+375 2232) 3-64-34

Born October 5, 1976 in the village of Sinkov Belynichi district, Mogilev Province.

Graduated from the Belarusian Agricultural Academy.

Mr Anatoly Drozdov worked as a leading engineer for operation of machines and tractors municipal unitary agricultural enterprise «Sovkhoz Padevichi» Belynichi district, Mogilev Province. Served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. Was the chief engineer, director of State Farm «Padevichi», the director of Open Joint Stock Company «Padevichi».

Director of Open Joint Stock Company «New Drut» Belynichi district.

Deputy District Belynichi and Zapolski rural Councils of Deputies of the 27th convocation.

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