Dolgoshey Tamara


Born 27 July 1960 in Savichi Village, Bragin Region, Gomel Province.

Graduated from Grodno State Medical University, (General Practitioner).

Since 2006 — Head Doctor, Medical Institution “Grodno Province Clinical Cardiologic Centre”.

Was elected member of Grodno Province Council of Deputies of the 25th convocation.

Deputy of Grodno Province Council of Deputies of the 26th convocation, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Education, Healthcare and Social Issues.

Awarded the Certificates of Honour of Grodno Province Executive Committee, Department of Healthcare of the Province Executive Committee, Presidium of the Province Committee of Grodno Province Organization of Belarusian Trade Union of Workers of Healthcare Workers, a badge “Healthcare Expert of the Republic of Belarus” of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, a Medal “Venerable Euphrosyne the Abbess of Polotsk”.

Winner of the Republican contest held by the Belarusian Union of Women “Woman of the Year” (2010) in nomination “Woman of Courage” and of the province contest “The Best Manager of the Year” (2008) in nomination “The Best Manager of a Medical Institution”.

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