Derkach Yury

Address and office phone:
210010, Vitebsk,
Gogol str, 6
(+375 212) 42-57-64

Born on August 5, 1962 in the village of Mogilevtsev Pruzhany district, Brest Province.

Graduated from the Vitebsk State Medical Institute.

Mr Yury Derkach worked as deputy secretary of the committee Komsomol Vitebsk State Medical University, senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Pediatrics Postgraduate Medical Faculty, assistant chair of childhood diseases, an assistant professor of pediatrics, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Vice-rector for educational work with foreign students and international relations of the Vitebsk State Medical University, First Vice-Rector, head of the Department of pediatrics of the Vitebsk state Order of peoples' Friendship medical University, Vice-Rector for science education «Polesie state University».

Health Bureau Chief of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee.

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