Chaichitc Viktor

Address and office phone:
220004, Minsk,
Kollektornaia str, 10
(+375 17) 200-50-40

Born August 24, 1960 in the village of Zditovo Berezovsky district, Brest Province.

Graduated from the Belarusian State University.

Mr Viktor Chaichitc served in the Soviet Army. Worked as an electrician trust «Energostroimontazh» «Belglavenergo» (Brest), electrician Brest Production Association «Brestrybhoz» (Beloozersk), a trainee of the people's judge of Baranavichy district court, a trainee of the people's court of Minsk district and the town of Zaslavl, the people's judge the court of Minsk district and the town of Zaslavl, head of the department of general theoretical problems of the organization of the institutions of justice of the research Institute of criminology problems, criminalistics and judicial examination of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk Regional attorney for legal advice number 1, the chairman of the Minsk Province Bar Association.

Chairman of the National Bar Association.

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