Bysyuk Grigory

Address and office phone:
224018, Brest, 
Geroev oboroni Brestskoi kreposti str, 60
(+375 162) 20-00-12

Born October 29, 1954 in Nepli Village, Brest District, Brest Province.

Graduated from Brest Pedagogical Institute named after A.Pushkin, Minsk Higher Party School, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

He began his professional career in as a secretary of the Brest Music College Leninist Young Communist League. Worked as a secretary of the Committee of Leninist Young Communist League of the Brest Electromechanical Enterprise, instructor of the Administrative Department of the Brest Committee of the Leninist Young Communist League, secretary of the Committee of the Leninist Young Communist League of the Award of Labour Red Banner Stocking Factory named after 50 Years Anniversary of USSR, first secretary of the Brest Committee of the Leninist Young Communist League of Belarus of the Moscowsky Town District, chief of the Department for propaganda and agitation of the Moscowsky Town District Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus of Brest, Deputy Chairperson of Brest Executive Committee, chief of Department on Culture of Brest Province Executive Committee.

Director of the public institution Memorial Complex «Brest Hero-Fortress».

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