Anyukhovsky Anatoly

Address and office phone:
211072, Vitebsk Province, Tolochin district, ag. Ozerci,
(+375 2136) 3-11-43

Born April 6, 1954 in the village Lenino, Gorecky District, Mogilev Province.

Graduated from Belarussian Academy for Agriculture named after the Order of the October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, agricultural scientist.

Worked as a agrologist of the Vitebsk Province Station for Agriculture Chemicalization, chief agronomist of the collective farm “Progress, chairman of the collective farm “Gigant”, chief agronomist of the interfarm crop farming enterprise of Dubrovno District, Vitebsk Province, chief specialist for forage production of the Department for Agriculture of Tolochin District, chief agronomist of the collective farm named after F.Engels, deputy chairman for crop farming of the Tolochin District Agro-Industrial Complex of the Vitebsk Province, chairman of Tolochin District Association for Agrochemical Support of Agriculture “Selchozchimia”, chairman of the Tolochin District Executive Committee, director of Unitary Subsidiary “Tolochinsky Konservny Zavod” (Tolochin Conserve Plant) of the Vitebsk Province Unitary Food Industry Enterprise “Vitebskpischeprom”.

Elected Member of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus of the 4th convocation.

Director of Republican Production Unitary Subsidiary Enterprise “Tolochinsky Konservny Zavod” (Tolochin Conserve Plant).

Awarded Jubilee Medals 65th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 — 1945, 65th Anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from German-Fascist invaders, Silver Medal at the USSR's Economic Achievements Exhibition, Certificate of Honour of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the badge “Jubilee Medal to mark 80th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Were honoured with the title “Person of the year of Vitebsk Province” in the category of “Agroindustrial Complex”.

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