Antonovich Ivan

Address and office phone:
225557, Brest Province, Stolin District, v. Ol'shany,
Shkolnaia str, 4
(+375 1655) 5-62-32

Born June 27, 1958 in the village Lobcha, Luninets District, Brest Province.

Graduated from Lyachovichi state farm-technical school of the Ministry of Agriculture of the BSSR, Belarussian Academy for Agriculture named after the Order of the October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Served in Soviet army. Worked as a deputy production manager of the crop farming section of the collective farm named after Frunze of the Luninets District, master specialist for forage production, chief economist, secretary of Party Committee, deputy chairman, building engineer of the collective farm “For the Motherland” of Stolin District, chief of the Department for Economic, Market Relations and Privatization of the Stolin District Executive Committee, chief agronomist of the collective farm “The 17th Communist Party Congress”, chairman of the agricultural production co-operative “Semigostichi”, chairman of the agricultural production co-operative “Novaya Pripyat” of Stolin District.

Director of the “OAO Novaya Pripyat” of Stolin District.

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