Ambrazheychik Viktor

Address and office phone:
225612, Brest Province, Drogichin,
Yubilee str, 40
(+375 1644) 3-64-20

Born April 8, 1963 in the village Milovidy, Baranovichi District, Brest Province.

Graduated from Belarusian Technological Institute named after S.Kirov, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Started his professional career as a mechanic of the collective farm named after Dzerzhinsky of Baranovichi District. Served in Soviet army. Worked asa forestry worker of the Kobrin interfarm forestry enterprise, assistant forester of the Divinsky forestry department, forestry officer of the Povitievsky forestry department, chief of the Divinsky wood processing shop of the Kobrin forestry enterprise.

Director of the State experimental forestry establishment «Drogichinsky forestry enterprise».

Deputy of the Drogichin District Council of Deputies of the 27th convocation.

Awarded Certificates of Merit of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus and the Brest Provinceal Council of Deputies.

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