Aldanov Nikolay

Address and office phone:
212030, Mogilev,
Krilenko str, 12
(+375 222) 25-28-14

Born May 12, 1959 in the village Savelenki, Shklov District, Mogilev Province.

Honoured Art Worker of the republic of Belarus.

Graduated from Mogilev Higher Music School, Belarussian State Conservatory named after A.Lunacharsky, Master’s Degree in the Belarussian State Academy of Music.

Worked as a lecturer, deputy director for education of the Brest Higher Music School, senior lecturer of educational institution branch of the “Belarussian State Academy of Music” (Mogilev).

Director of Mogilev Educational Institution Branch of the “Belarussian State Academy of Music”, chief artistic officer of the Orchestra of Ethnic Musical Instruments named after the People’s Artist of Belarus L.Ivanov of institution of culture “Mogilev Province Philharmonic”.

Awarded the Francisk Skaryna Medal.

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