Officials and bodies of the Council of the Republic

Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of the Republic elects from among its members the Chair­person of the Council of the Republic and his/her deputy.

Candidates for the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship of the Council of the Republic are nominated by the body’s individual members. All the nominees except for those who withdrew their candidatures are put on the voting list. The candidates for the chairmanship of the Council of the Republic and his/her deputy are considered elected, if as a result of the voting they poll more than half of votes of the full membership of the Council of the Republic. Each member of the Council of the Republic has the right to nominate one candidate for the chairmanship of the Council of the Republic and his/her deputy.

The competence of the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic shall be established by special regulations.

The Chairperson of the Council of the Republic shall: 

  • manage the routine of the Council of the Republic;
  • preside over the sittings of the sessions of the Council of the Republic, execute other authorities in the course of the sittings;
  • sign resolutions adopted by the Council of the Republic and the Presidium of the Council of the Republic;
  • forward bills adopted by the House of Representatives for consideration by the Standing Committees of the Council of the Republic;
  • represent the Council of the Republic in relationships with the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus and other public institutions as well as with non-governmental organisations, officials and parliaments of foreign countries and international parliamentary organisations;
  • take decisions on other activities of the chamber pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and regulations of the Council of the Republic;
  • exercise general leadership of the staff of the Council of the Republic.
  • entrust the Standing Committees with drafting of bills to be brought into the House of Representatives by way of legislative initiative on behalf of the Council of the Republic;
  • forward laws adopted by the House of Representatives and endorsed by the Council of the Republic to the President of the Republic of Belarus for signature. 

The Chairperson of the Council of the Republic may issue edicts on matters within his/her competence.
